If you are looking for a decorative coating for your project in wood that provides a superior weather resistance, then Plasti Dip has the solution.
Plasti Dip ® is a high-build air-dry, synthetic rubber coating that can be easily applied by spraying, brushing or dipping.Resists moisture, acids, abrasion, weathering.
Seals and protects from weathering and prevents splinters.
Plasti Dip's unique high flexibility enables it to contract & expand with your wood to prevent cracking and peeling.
HCF® is a flexible acrylic, water-based coating that can be dipped, brushed or sprayed, is available in a wide variety of colors and exhibits excellent petroleum, chemical, UV, weather and abrasion resistance.
HCF® bonds well to wood and its flexibility allows it to flex with the wood to prevent cracking and peeling.
Has the safety of water-based coatings with the performance of solvent-based coatings. It's very low VOC’s, non-flammable and high solids content make it an Emission Control Coating System, eccs®, that can be air-dried or heat cured to meet production demands.