PLASTI DIP® is an air-dry, synthetic rubber coating that can be easily applied by spraying, brushing or dipping.
PLASTI DIP® is a highly flexible coating that flex's with the substrate so will not crack or peel and is weather tested for up to 10years+ giving optimal corrosion resistance.Resists moisture, acids, abrasion, electrical shock, skidding/slipping.
Available in a wide variety of colours including bespoke RAL classic colours.
HCF® is a flexible acrylic, water-based hard coating that can be dipped, brushed or sprayed.
Exhibits excellent petroleum, chemical, UV, corrosion and abrasion resistance.
Has the safety of water-based coatings with the performance of solvent-based coatings.
It's very low VOC’s, non-flammable and high solids content make it an Emission Control Coating System, eccs®, that can be air-dried or heat cured to meet production demands.
Available in a wide variety of colors including RAL Classic Bespoke colours.
High Performance (H.P.) PRIMER F-938 is a fast dry primer specifically developed to increase adhesion of PLASTI DIP® & HCF® to metal surfaces.
Can be sprayed, dipped or brushed and offers fast set up time with a high coverage rate.