Plasti Dip - Camo - 400ml

Plasti Dip - Camo - Regular Can 400ml

In stock — Product Code: PDL-0436

£17.99 inc. VAT

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Plasti Dip is an air-dried, flexible, liquid, matt coating for use on virtually anything!

Plasti Dip Camo is a special collection of Plasti Dip colours designed to match the many shades of nature.  Plasti Dip Camo will help keep your hunting and fishing gear, camping equipment and other outdoor gear inconspicuous when you're in the wild - or your own backyard!

Plasti Dip Camo is available in four unique Earth-tones:  Khaki Green, Tan, Brown and Black.

With these specially formulated colours you can give your tree stand, duck blind frame, hide or the stock of your hunting rifle a camouflage effect. 

You could also use it to give your boat, trailer or even your whole car or truck a one-of-a-kind camouflage coating.

Whatever way you use it Plasti Dip Camo will keep you better hidden from your chosen prey, making it easier to bag The Big One!

No matter what colour(s) of Plasti Dip Camo you use on your gear, the coated items will gain a soft, rubbery, easy-grip surface. This cushioned grip will surely be welcome when you're lugging your gear across prime Deer Hunting country or setting off on a camping trek through the woods. Plasti Dip Camo will give your outdoor gear protection from impact, abrasion and the elements.

If the coating gets damaged or wears out or if you want to give your equipment a thorough deep-cleaning or you just want to change the look, Plasti Dip Camo will peel off easily from most non-porous surfaces, leaving the item underneath in its original, pre-dipped condition. 

For a permanent coating on metals and plastics use our Primer as a base coat (available in grey and clear).  However, do NOT use Primer if you wish to remove the coating later (on vehicles for example).

-Please see preparation and application guidelines under resources in the page footer-

Resources - Preparation & Application Guidelines