Hello Blog followers, I’ve got something a little bit unusual and special for you this month.
It began as a challenge from a friend and two years later this is what Joe has mastered…

Joe says “I never had any interest in practical art before then. It has been a sharp learning curve and now I sculpt and manufacture props, masks and prosthetic features of costumes…all for fun (at the moment)”.
The latest items he has coated in Clear Plastidip are the Davy Jones Mask, the claw and the prosthetic crab leg. The full Davy Jones costume was ready in time to showcase at the Collectormania Convention 2014 in Glasgow. It took first prize in the costume competition, along with his good friend Kenny who doubles as Captain Jack Sparrow. He is also taking it to Florida and the Caribbean, to be entered in a Disney Cruise Halloween competition (no kidding).
The mask, claw, boot and leg in the photo have call been coated with clear Plastidip, then over-coated with Glossifier. The coat, shirt and trousers were covered in sea life sculptures which were made in latex rubber and treated in the same way.
Joe has used aerosol Plasti Dip on a number of occasions as it has some “great features” but wants to do some more experimenting with it; such as thinning it for air-brushing and is keen to try the Metalizer spray on something! He has some ideas for new props using the Metalizer already.
Creativity is not all plain sailing and Joe did hit a small problem when he created the Davy Jones boot…” I tried to glue some latex parts on, after coating with Plastidip, and it melted and detached from the latex, but I’ve sorted the process for that”.
Joe uses a lot of latex in his creations which he sprays with Plasti Dip,“because it has a certain amount of give and stretch and therefore doesn’t crack where other coatings will”.
If you have a project for Joe he is taking commissions and can be contacted on joe@mccluskeyonline.com
Wow…what a masterpiece! I for one am keen to see what Joes’ next project is. Watch this space…
I’ve just received this photo from Joe showing him on his trip to Florida