Well here is the answer…paint it with Plasti Dip
It’s a wise decision to protect your mobile/Smartphone whatever make and model you have. So if finding a cover you like is proving to be a challenge you can PAINT YOUR OWN!
Plasti Dip will give you a waterproof rubberised finish to your phone cover that will look very professional.
You can have a phone case for every season or design one for a special friend that is perfectly unique and decorated with your own fair hands…what could be nicer than that?!
Why not get your friends involved…share the cost & have lots of fun being creative.
The Create your Colour Kit will provide you with a range of colours that you can mix to develop custom colours & paint on using a brush or alternatively use a single colour spray, perhaps even fluorescent Blaze colours or Glow in the Dark?
Remember to ensure the case is free of dust and grease before you begin and mask off the areas you don’t want to paint and peel it off before the paint is completely dry. I have even seen Plasti Dip poured into water, a marble design created by pulling two colours gently through the water in different directions, then the phone case is literally dipped into it. This is really effective…take a look on Youtube for some more great ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRr4L3qtIH0
If the case you are covering is a non-porous material you would be able to peel off the old design when you are bored with it and create a new one.
Here are some fantastic creations by our customers;
Why stop at your phone case…design your own Laptop case, camera case, pencil case, well any kind of case really…
Don’t forget to share your crazy & stylish creations at sales@plasidip.co.uk and on our Facebook page.